Make it a Conversation

We're sneaking out some new features in Foneshow.

We've added the ability to reply to, or comment on, a show. If you hit the "7" key on your handset during a show, you'll get a prompt to record your comment. When you're finished, just hit "#". The show's owner will have access your audio comments online. He or she can then download them and mash them up into future shows. It's a kind of asynchronous talk radio. Soon we'll also be adding the option for the show's owner to make the comments public on the show page of the Foneshow site. Down the road we might even make the comments on a series available as a unique series.

I love the concept of of making it a conversation by replying in kind. Being able to reply in the same media is really the ultimate of democratization of the media and the key to building community. A passionate community is the key to building critical mass audience.

The challenge here (as it usually the case) is UI. We only have 12 keys and we don't want to make them modal.